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DHX - Breaking Alert
Dear Valued Customer,
We have been advised by Matson Navigation Company (“Matson”) that due to an extended vessel delay in Honolulu, the Kaimana Hila V033W will by-pass Guam this voyage, and the vessel will be repositioned on the West Coast to restore its pro forma schedule.
Westbound Guam, CNMI, and Micronesia cargo will be discharged in Honolulu and be transferred to the Maunawili V220W, departing Honolulu on Tuesday evening, January 11th, and arriving at Guam on Tuesday evening, January 18th.
This vessel change will cause next week’s deliveries to be delayed on Guam.
We will continue to monitor any developments and update you as needed.
Should you have additional questions, please contact your local office, or our Corporate Customer Service center at 800-488-4888, Ext. 2020, or email us at
Thank you for your business - we appreciate it!